Dear Dreamer12744868996
Thank you for giving us a perfect rating and recommending our hotel to other travellers. It’s great that you had a fantastic experience overall. We are thrilled to hear that you appreciated our services and the strategic location where Stanford Hotel is fortunate to be situated which rewards many guests like yourself, convenience to various attractions, entertainment venues and central to all transport networks, i.e. the High Speed Express Rail Link and Airport Express Kowloon Station. We are truly grateful for your compliments and will certainly share it with our team members. It's really motivating for them to strive for delivering top-notch hospitality to our valued guests.
With our repeated thanks for your patronage. We are eager to have the real pleasure to host you and your family again for another delightful stay at Stanford Hotel. Should you need to make reservation in future, please book through our hotel website for the best available rate.
Best regards
Wilson Tsang
General Manager, Stanford Hotel Hong Kong