As travelling conisers we are always gracious and respectful. And expect the same back. The staff were helpful and gracious until we saw another side to them upon Leaving after a dreadful, life threatening almost life changing accident that occurred in the premises of the Tower Suites .
After my 12 year old son had had a shower, my husband preceded to have his shower 20 minutes later. At 10.50 am I preceded to have my shower, as I finished my shower and reached for my towel which was in close proximity, I felt an earth shattering smash on my back and neck, and blood everywhere, when I looked down I had a deep open wound on my right wrist with the muscle and bone exposed, I ran out screaming thinking that a bomb had gone off, not realising that the large 4.5m bathroom slide door made of glass had exploded and shattered over me, thank goodness it was me not my child in there. He would have been dead.
I took the brunt of the thick glass shattering, injuring me severely, lacerating my body everywhere, I ran out screaming, for help. My husband followed not understanding what had just happened. I went into shock, trembling, scared that I was dying seeing the loss of blood everywhere ie towels, floor etc
An ambulance was called, and I was taken to the hospital, still in shock whereby, I was issued a dedicated trauma nurse and Doctor who spent 2 hours stitching me up and trying to glue my skin back together, the skin on my back was wrecked with loose skin hanging of, I was advised that I would be scarred for life, and endure months of rehabilitation, meanwhile I would not be able to use water on my skin, neither use the facilities of the blue Lagoon for which we had paid 0ver £4000.
To date I have received no courtesy calls to find out how I am, and this is a day ago. Incident 7/04/2022 moved to new hotel on the 8/4/2022. I was released from Hospital same day. I will be taking this matter further, uncaring Manager that could not be bothered to see how I was