Best Vegan Restaurants in Raleigh, NC
Vegan-Friendly Restaurants in Raleigh
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Awards Travellers’ Choice Awards winners (including the “Best of the Best” title) are among the top 10% of listings on Tripadvisor, according to the reviews and opinions of travellers across the globe.
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Top Restaurants in Raleigh
129 results match your filters
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1,024 reviewsClosed now
International, Asian$$ - $$$Menu
1,144 reviewsClosed now
Lebanese, Mediterranean$$ - $$$Menu
1,021 reviewsClosed now
Lebanese, Middle Eastern$$ - $$$Menu
296 reviewsClosed now
Brew Pub, Asian$$ - $$$
593 reviewsClosed now
American, International$$ - $$$Menu
458 reviewsClosed now
Mediterranean, Greek$$ - $$$
408 reviewsOpens in 37 min
American, Cafe$$ - $$$Menu
231 reviewsClosed now
Quick Bites, Latin$
310 reviewsClosed now
Italian, Bar$$ - $$$Menu
169 reviewsClosed now
Lebanese, Mediterranean$$ - $$$
340 reviewsClosed now
American, International$$ - $$$
911 reviewsClosed now
Dessert, American$$ - $$$
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International, Contemporary$$ - $$$Menu
427 reviewsClosed now
American, Bar$$ - $$$Menu
Showing results 1-30 of 129