
Best Family Resorts

Family Resorts

Everything you need for a fun family holiday in one place.

Things to know about Family Resorts

Yes, there are numerous family-friendly resorts around the world that offer "kids stay free" promotions, allowing your children to stay at no additional cost when sharing a room with you. Always check for the specific age requirements and restrictions at your chosen resort to ensure your kids can enjoy a complimentary stay.

Kids resorts are specifically designed to cater to the unique needs and interests of young travelers, offering a wide range of age-appropriate activities, facilities, and entertainment options to create a fun and engaging vacation experience for the entire family.

To pick the right family resort, consider your family's preferences in terms of activities, budget, and accommodations, and then research resorts that cater to those needs while also offering positive reviews and a safe, family-friendly environment.

Absolutely! Family resorts cater to all ages, offering a variety of activities and entertainment options specifically designed for adults, such as spa treatments, fine dining, fitness classes, and adult-only pools or lounges.

At family resorts, you can enjoy a wide range of activities such as swimming, playing sports, participating in organized games and events, exploring kid-friendly amenities, and engaging in family-focused entertainment options.

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Discover the most popular destinations for the world's family resorts

Popular Islands

  • Phuket
    247 Resorts
    布吉島猶如七色彩虹般璀璨耀眼,你可以盡情欣賞藍色的潟湖、粉色的日落,以及身著橙色袈裟的僧侶。三輪電單車、的士、巴士和長尾船,絡繹不絕地將遊客載往這些令人驚嘆的奇景。布吉島南方海岸有著最受歡迎的熱門海灘。相較之下,北方海岸則顯得寧靜得多。PP 島、攀牙灣和巴東海灘皆是熱門景點。潛水、浮潛、風帆和帆船等豐富的戶外活動任君選擇。此外還有陸地、翠鬱的山丘、高山和懸崖靜待你深入探險。
  • Bali
    447 Resorts
    Bali is a living postcard, an Indonesian paradise that feels like a fantasy. Soak up the sun on a stretch of fine white sand, or commune with the tropical creatures as you dive along coral ridges or the colorful wreck of a WWII war ship. On shore, the lush jungle shelters stone temples and mischievous monkeys. The “artistic capital” of Ubud is the perfect place to see a cultural dance performance, take a batik or silver-smithing workshop, or invigorate your mind and body in a yoga class.
  • Cebu Island
    57 Resorts
    From the cosmopolitan metropolis of Cebu City and the white-sand beaches of Mactan to the electric-blue waters of Kawasan Falls and the whale sharks of Oslob, it’s easy to see why Cebu Island is one of the Philippines’ top destinations.
  • Maldives
    89 Resorts
    Want to make your co-workers insanely jealous? Just casually drop "I’m holiday making in the Maldives this year" into conversation, preferably in the dead of winter. Or better yet, go there without mentioning it to anyone—then send them a "Wish you were here!" postcard.
  • Boracay
    56 Resorts
    Boracay Island has reopened with new rules and regulations in place to protect the island from overdevelopment. Not all businesses were allowed to reopen. Please check with the Philippine Department of Tourism for details:
  • Phu Quoc Island
    76 Resorts
    在富國島 (Phu Quoc Island),你可以沉浸在陽光和越南文化之中,這裡的白色細沙和熱帶海洋吸引了全球無數的海灘愛好者前來朝聖。浮潛、水肺潛水和釣魚是富國島最熱門的水上運動。你也可以駕駛水上電單車、風帆衝浪、釣烏賊,這些都是唾手可得的度假活動。想要體驗當地真實生活,走一趟頓東市場 (Duong Dong Market) 的早市是明智之選。
  • Palawan Island
    45 Resorts
    巴拉望猶如天堂,到處都有美麗的島嶼風光,以及充滿異國風情的野生動物、寧靜的小漁村,此外,這裡也是 UNESCO 的世界遺產之一。你可以前往 Calauit Game 野生動物保護區觀察瀕臨絕種的稀有動物,或者也可以去科隆島潛水,看看這個有世界上最精彩的潛水地點,同時尋找日本沉船所在地。你亦可以參加普林塞薩港地下河 (Puerto Princesa Underground River) 之旅,保證讓你畢生難忘。
  • Langkawi
    35 Resorts
    蘭卡威一共由 140 座島嶼組成,不過其中有住人的卻只有幾座島嶼而已。在這一片群島之中,面積比較大的就是蘭卡威島,這座島因為有生態豐富的自然保護區,而獲 UNESCO 選為世界地質公園。如果要體驗這裡多采多姿的豐富生態,最好的辦法就是爬上架在雨林上方的蘭卡威天空之橋 (Langkawi Sky Bridge),從上往下看最是清楚。想要感受涼快氣氛,或是想要躲開偷竊成性的猴子群,最好的方是就是到名字十分有趣的淡水湖 ─ 懷孕少女 (Pregnant Maiden) 浸泡一下。
  • Bintan Island
    9 Resorts
    民丹島 (Bintan Island)廣受打哥爾夫球之人士喜愛,皆因價格便宜,地點方便,而且遠離喧鬧,是全星加坡最適合打高球的地方。搭船前往民丹島各個目的地,大概需時 1 至 2 小時。到達以後可以隨意選一個海灘舒閒地渡過,也可以在島內郊遊、騎四輪車參加 ATV Night,或去大象公園騎大象。民丹島由兩個市組成,旅客前往的目的都是為美麗的大自然而來。
  • Ko Lanta
    95 Resorts
    在蘭塔島 (Ko Lanta) 這樣美麗的島嶼,你一定能找到一處不需要與他人摩肩擦踵的海灘。蘭塔島位於泰國南方的喀比府,你可在水肺潛水時飽覽多樣化的海洋生物與大珊瑚礁群,細意感受自然風光。更不用說那聞名遐邇的夕陽了,請備妥美酒與心愛的人,一同欣賞夕陽西下的美景。
  • Jeju Island
    28 Resorts
    Where else can you find an azalea-framed volcano to climb, a sisterhood of deep-divers, and ancient stone statues on which to make wishes? Jeju Island. A favourite with newlyweds (and K-drama fans), this popular retreat is also home to miles of golden beaches, winding coastal trails, and Jeju Waterworld, the area’s largest water park. No matter what your fancy, one thing is for certain: a day of sightseeing isn’t complete without enjoying some of the isle’s delicious raw seafood and famed barbecued black pork.
  • Sentosa Island
    7 Resorts
    聖淘沙島有高爾夫球場、多個主題景點,如果想要冒險,也可以雇用遊艇前往深海區,不管是情侶還是闔家出遊,都非常適合。如果是來度蜜月的新婚夫妻,也可以選擇在座落於海灘上的度假村下榻,一享浪漫的金黃沙灘或陰鬱雨林的優美景色。在聖淘沙島,其中一個最受歡迎的度假村就是新加坡環球影城度假村 (Universal Studios' Singapore)。在這裡不但有刺激的雲霄飛車、遊樂設施,還可以搭乘遊園列車參觀整座影城。如果喜歡冒險,你也可以試試水下世界 (Underwater World),這裡不但可以乘船欣賞鯊魚,還可以與海豚共泳。
  • Luzon
    70 Resorts
    The biggest island in the Philippines, Luzon is also one of the most diverse—it’s where mountain peaks and volcanoes meet miles of coastline, and indigenous culture melds with Spanish colonial history. You can relax at the beach in Pagudpud, hike with locals up the Batad Rice Terraces, ride in a horse-drawn carriage in Vigan, and snack on street food and dance the night away in Manila. You’ll need a few days and a bus pass, but you’ll be glad you stayed.
  • Batam
    4 Resorts
    Just a speedboat ride from Singapore, Batam’s beaches and bars tempt visitors with dishes of chili crab, grilled lobster, and freshly caught fish. While travellers golf, snorkel, and spa-hop, the island’s traditional culture thrives in fishing villages built on wooden stilts.

Popular Cities

  • Da Nang
    18 Resorts
    峴港是一座既悠閒又友善的城市,這可能是因為你所遇到的人,剛好都享用過美味的大餐,因而心情大好。在這裡展開美食之旅是實際體驗當地風味的絕佳方式。此外,在街邊吃過粄條湯與開胃小食後,不妨散散步,探索五行山 (Marble Mountains) 的鐘乳石洞和石窟寺,藉此消除飽脹感。
  • Chiang Mai
    60 Resorts
    You could spend your whole Chiang Mai holiday exploring the famous Night Bazaar. Once you’ve exhausted the art of the cheerful haggle, however, there’s plenty more to explore. The National Museum and Botanic Garden are great places to soak up some local culture and to breathe in the delicate fragrance of Thai orchids. In the city’s centre, the remains of ancient walls embrace over 30 temples. Limber travellers can climb 300 stairs to Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep, an ornate Buddhist temple in the hills.
  • Pattaya
    67 Resorts
    A visit to Pattaya is a wonderful way to explore the beaches along the Gulf of Thailand. Relaxed and family-friendly Jomtien Beach is a hot spot for watersports and seaside massages. The giant Buddha of Wat Khao Phra Bat keeps watch over the city, and the wooden Wang Boran Sanctuary of Truth pays homage to Buddhist and Hindu art and architecture. At night, tons of bars and strip clubs attract an adults-only crowd.
  • Hong Kong
    14 Resorts
  • Taipei
    6 Resorts
  • Hoi An
    40 Resorts
    會安位於越南中部海岸,是 15 到 19 世紀的東南亞重要的貿易港口之一,如今仍保存完好。這裡早已在背包客之間口耳相傳,如今也是觀光客眾所皆知的旅遊地點。在農曆每個月的 14 日,小鎮會將電燈換成傳統的彩色燈籠,而這裡的名勝分別有日本廊橋 (Japanese Covered Bridge) 和關公廟 (Quan Cong Temple)。不妨也拜訪城裡一流的裁縫師傅,讓他們為你精心縫製幾套服裝吧。
  • Bangkok
    15 Resorts
    金黃色的宮殿、水上市場、雄偉的圓形陶瓷屋頂…這不就是夢幻仙境了嗎? 不,這是泰國的首都曼谷,共分成 50 區。你可以前水門或暹羅廣場瘋狂購物,然後再去 Dusit 的歐式花園好好放鬆一下。Thon Buri 最知名的就是鄭王廟 (Wat Arun),如果想到臥佛寺 (Wat Pho) 參觀大臥佛,就要去 Phra Nakhon。你亦可以在參觀大皇宮 (Grand Palace) 之前,先去路邊攤買一盤芒果糯米,邊吃邊欣賞建築之美。
  • Shenzhen
    2 Resorts
    Located in the south of China, the cityscape--Shenzhen-- is home to some of the most modern buildings worldwide. Although this area is largely industrial, it offers many tourist attractions, such as the Chinese folk Culture Village, Safari Park, and beach resorts. Perhaps one of the most frequented tourist attractions is Window of the World, which offers replicas of the Eiffel tower, the pyramids, and Taj Mahal. 
  • Hua Hin
    44 Resorts
    華欣 (Hua Hin) 深受曼谷居民喜愛,是一處美麗的海濱度假勝地。這裡沒有喧囂的通宵派對,適合一家大細渡假,或想要放鬆身心的旅客。亦因為這裡氣氛恬靜,這裡的海灘最適合讓旅客沉殿心靈、安靜享受。華欣過去只是一個小漁港,之後搖身一變,成為皇室欽點的度假村,亦正因如此,華欣仍能保有寧靜、悠閒的小鎮風情,不至於淪落為一般庸俗的觀光城市。
  • Sanya
    54 Resorts
    Known as the Hawaii of China, Sanya’s miles of coastline, tropical climate, and upscale resorts make it a go-to beach destination for many travellers. But, it’s the city’s Buddhist temples, coconut plantations, fruit-sorbet stands, and fishing port that keep travellers coming back.
  • Ubud
    101 Resorts
    烏布村落群的峇厘式按摩和 SPA 休閒勝地遠近馳名,眾多旅客趨之若騖。指壓療法、反射區按摩、牽張伸展與芳香療法是本島獨特的按摩療程的主力推介,讓你放鬆心神同時又有肌膚緊緻的效果。烏布也是峇厘島藝文活動的活躍中心,眾多博物館與畫廊亦座落於此,是一個五臟俱全的文化寶庫。附近的猴園 (Monkey Forest Park) 自然保護區是數百隻頑皮長尾獼猴的棲息地。千萬別錯過聖泉廟 (Gunung Kawi),讓你眺望座落於美麗山谷的祭壇。
  • Kota Kinabalu
    7 Resorts
    哥打京那巴魯 (Kota Kinabalu) 是婆羅洲島著名的京那巴魯國家公園集散地。國家公園內的最高點是高達 13400 英尺的金納布拉山 (Kinabula),這亦是馬來西亞的最高峰、登山客的聖地。而克羅克山脈國家公園 (Crocker Range National Park) 則全長 90 英里,讓旅客盡享驚險刺激的叢林徒步旅行和露營。
  • Macau
    5 Resorts
    澳門的賭場富麗堂皇,酒店亦屬世界級水準,過去曾是葡萄牙殖民地,如今是中華人民共和國的特別行政區。旅客不但喜愛這裡猶如拉斯維加斯般的奢華氣氛,更愛上充滿歷史氣息的獨特風光。其中最引人入勝的景點有:建於 16 世紀的聖保羅大教堂遺址 (大三巴牌坊),現時為 UNESCO 世界遺產,此外,東望洋砲台亦是熱門景點之一。
  • Guangzhou
    5 Resorts
    China’s third-largest city is the capital of Guangdong Province and a thriving commercial center. Its location on the Pearl River and proximity to Hong Kong has made Guangzhou a strategic port for centuries. Glimpse old temples and gleaming steel towers on an architectural tour. Visit one of four Chimelong theme parks for thrills and chills. Once called Canton, Guangzhou is considered the home of traditional (read Cantonese) “Chinese food.” Foodies will find more restaurants per capita here than anywhere else in China.
  • El Nido
    17 Resorts
    如果你能住在建在高蹺上的水上小屋,為什麼還要委屈自己住在海濱酒店? 如果你能在蘭花環繞的潟湖裡浮潛,又為什麼要委屈自己選擇過時的潛點? 愛妮島又稱為菲律賓最後的處女地,如果你正在尋找未受破壞的美麗海灘,那麼這裡就是你度假的好去處。
  • Nha Trang
    16 Resorts
    芽莊最知名的就是這裡美麗的沙灘。不過這裡還有遊樂園、洗泥浴、哥爾夫球場,還有充滿歷史風情的佔婆族遺址,以及各種酒店和餐廳選擇。如果識食客想要冒險嘗試新東西,不妨來一道用旗魚和水母做成的當地料理 Bun Cha Ca。
  • Patong
    54 Resorts
    熱愛派對的人都齊聚在遼闊且充滿獨特風情的芭東沙灘 (Patong Beach)。離夜店、酒吧與舞廳的喧囂不過幾分鐘的距離,一片金黃的芭東沙灘是日光浴、水上電單車、小艇與拖曳傘的絕佳地點。喜愛悠閒的遊客,可以整天在彩色洋傘下享受日光浴躺椅休息,同時品嚐小販在沙灘上售賣的美味點心。
  • Guilin
    3 Resorts
    桂林市人口多達 630,000 人,其迷人的石灰岩山與石塔,吸引了來自中國與世界各地的遊客造訪。當地的熱門景點包括佔地 120 公頃的七星公園、蘆笛岩、200 呎高的伏波山和象鼻山。乘舟沿漓江遊覽至陽朔,或是到訪鄰近的瑤族、苗族與侗族等少數民族部落時,旅客通常都會以桂林作為起點。當地四月、五月、九月及十月時的氣候不炎不雨,是最適合遊覽桂林的月份。
  • Fukuoka
    3 Resorts
    福岡簡直是個美食天堂。「如果你不是素食主義者的話…」-這是我們福岡論壇裡的旅客留言。此言一點不假:玄海的海產不僅新鮮而且種類繁多; 還有福岡拉麵,在本市著名的屋台 (路邊攤) 或現代餐廳都可以吃得到。飯後可以到大濠公園和附近的福岡城遺跡散步,消除飽肚感。

Popular Countries

  • Thailand
    617 Resorts
    Thailand is a country of many contrasting facets, with glorious beaches as well as forests, jungles and mountains. Whether you want to swim, sunbathe or explore the wildlife, a family holiday in Thailand will never be dull.If you're looking for seaside relaxation, visit the beaches and bay of Hat Karon in Phuket with sand dunes and palm trees. The island of Ko Tao has coral reefs and is the place to go if you want to learn to dive, but you can also go mountain biking or just sunbathe on the beach. The Royal Barge National Museum in Bangkok houses several barges built for Thailand's kings; the beautifully detailed carving is quite breathtaking. Doi Suthep-Doi Pui National Park in Chiang Mai has a wealth of flowering plants and ferns as well as three hundred species of birds. If you're in the mood for a quiet spot, try the town of Sangkhlaburi; from there you can set off on an elephant trek or jungle tour. For mountains and forests, visit the north-western province of Mai Hong Son.
  • Malaysia
    143 Resorts
    Malaysia is a beautifully complex vacation destination, a land where ancient rainforests give way to multicultural city life. Capital city Kuala Lumpur is visually defined by the iconic Petronas Twin Towers, while in charming Melaka the vibe is more quaint and historical. Many of the country’s national parks offer opportunities for fantastic whitewater rafting, and the exclusive Sipadan dive site (off the east coast of Borneo) is among the best in the world.
  • Taiwan
    47 Resorts
    You could spend months exploring Taiwan’s Buddhist temples, villages, cities, and mountains and still barely scratch the surface of all the island has to offer. Here Confucius meets C-pop in a cultural mash-up of a place where traditional festivals are as important as hip-hop and cell phones. Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung each burst with opportunities to explore, learn, shop, and dine. Don’t miss breathtaking natural features like Sun Moon Lake, the hot springs of Tainan, and Taroko Gorge.
  • Vietnam
    142 Resorts
    The jungles and monsoon forests of Vietnam are diverse ecosystems that are alive with unique wildlife. Trekking is a popular activity here, particularly the mountains of Sapa and the primeval landscape of Cuc Phuong National Park. For a more urban escape, take a guided food tour of Ho Chi Minh City, making sure to squeeze in visits to the historic Hoi Truong Thong Nhat palace and the intricately adorned Emperor Jade Pagoda.
  • Japan
    45 Resorts
    In the Land of the Rising Sun, ancient temples sit alongside neon wonderlands and shinto shrines offer pockets of peace amid metropolises. Add tea ceremonies, snow monkeys, sushi, kimonos, and karaoke to the mix, and you’ve got one of the world’s most fascinating countries.
  • Philippines
    292 Resorts
    With more than 7,000 islands consisting of rice paddies, volcanos, mega-metropolises, world-class surf spots, and endemic wildlife, the Philippines is one of the most dazzling and diverse countries in all of Asia. Not to mention, it’s home to some of the world’s best beaches, too.
  • China
    48 Resorts
    The grand story of China features a great wall, a forbidden city, and a few thousand Terracotta warriors. Settings include the sci-fi skyline of Shanghai, the jutting peaks of Zhangjiajie, and the tropical beaches of Hainan, but the tale of this ancient kingdom began long ago.
  • Sri Lanka
    239 Resorts
    Known by a flotilla of aliases, the Resplendent Isle is one of gorgeous beaches, tea plantations and ancient cities. Scuba dive, visit an elephant orphanage and a lagoon of singing fish, explore dense jungle, shrines and temples. Situated just 20 miles off India, the island formerly known as Ceylon is home to 20 million people and eight World Heritage sites. The country's long, brutal civil war ended in May, 2009, bringing peace, stability and a revival of tourism.
  • South Korea
    45 Resorts
    While only 60 years ago South Korea was considered a developing country, it’s now one of Asia’s economic and cultural leaders. Super-chic Seoul combines modernism with ancient history; coastal Busan serves up rugged beach spots; and Jeju Island wows with volcanic landscapes and towering mountains.
  • Croatia
    42 Resorts
    Croatia has had a turbulent history but is establishing itself as an exciting destination great for all the family. Among other things, you may not be aware that the small Central European country pioneered fountain pens and invented the necktie. Aside from the pub trivia side of things, however, Croatia is a fantastic country steeped in history, and benefiting from the hot summers and mild winters of a Mediterranean climate.
  • Indonesia
    252 Resorts
    From the idyllic beaches of Bali to the chaotic melting pot of Jakarta, Indonesia is a diverse Southeast Asian gem. West Java and Sumatra are home to some of the most beautiful tropical forests in the world – perfect for jungle trekking. The Prambanan collection of Hindu temples in Yogyakarta will astound you with their architecture and aura of spirituality. Capital city Jakarta is a cultural and political hub that’s jam-packed with museums, performing arts centers, and traditional food stalls.
  • Cambodia
    93 Resorts
    Set your own pace by cycling through Khmer ruins at Angkor Wat or pedaling the banks of the mighty Mekong. Trek off the beaten path on eco-adventures through the Cardamom Mountains, southern tropical islands or crater lakes of the remote northeast. Add urban adventure and hire a "motodop" taxi in Siem Reap.
  • Italy
    26 Resorts
    From the silvery crests of the Alps to the sparkling Mediterranean Sea, Italy’s beauty is unparalleled. A visit could mean marveling at the Colosseum after a tender plate of pasta, or drifting lazily down a canal, your belly full of local Sangiovese. Explore Tuscan vineyards and olive groves or drool over boutiques in fashionable Milan. Look for mermaids from the cliffs of Sorrento or nibble on Parma’s famous cheese and prosciutto. Anywhere you choose, the country will captivate you.
  • Malta
    9 Resorts
    The Maltese archipelago consists of three islands: Malta, Gozo and Comino, as well as countless megaliths, medieval dungeons and atmospheric towns and villages. Meandering streets contain Renaissance cathedrals and Baroque palaces. Malta is the largest island; rural Gozo is next in size. Expansive beaches, vibrant nightlife and 7000 years of history lure visitors to these Mediterranean isles. Don't miss the UNESCO-designated Hypogeum ruins and St John's Co-Cathedral with its Caravaggio masterpieces.
  • Fiji
    50 Resorts
    If it wasn’t soothing enough already, Fiji offers an enticing array of distinctive relaxation options. Traditional Fijian Bobo massage, a healing blend of massage and local nut oils, Duavata island-style four-handed massage and Thalgo therapy mud and algae wraps top enticing local treatment options.

Popular Continents and Regions