We had a blast! I definitely recommend this tour!!
I didn't know what to expect from this tour, given that it was self guided and none of us (myself, husband and 18 year old daughter) had ever been on an E-bike. The bikes were very easy to use and the falls are all along one road, so it was impossible to get lost. There are about 6 different falls to visit and at each one, you park your bikes (chain them to a fence post or a sign or just to each other) and then hike or follow a short path or sometimes just look at the falls from the road. The distance between falls is too far to walk and the car parking at each is VERY limited, so the bikes were really the best way to see them all. I did not realize that the Multnomah Falls waterfall is the most visited tourist spot in all of Oregon - a must see! All of the falls are beautiful and different enough to make all of them worth seeing.
The bikes can get up to maybe 20mph and are larger framed, so I don't think they would be great for young kids (under maybe 12?). They also don't have any sort of basket or place to hold stuff like jackets or water bottles, so bring a backpack if you want to carry stuff around. Helmets and locks are provided.
The road you bike on is a two lane scenic highway. There is some car traffic and I was initially worried about it being a little unsafe, but the cars go slow and Oregon is a "share the road" state, so bikes are entitled to their space in the lane. The cars respected this and only passed us when there was plenty of room.